This Blog contains general articles, competitive exams preparation, travel, cooking and Human Resources and many more!
Monday, December 28, 2009
3 idiots
The story revolves around 3 friends who get into the College of Engineering and how they try to be different from the others who cram to pass. The moral or theme is to go behind your passion.3 idiots
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Male Nutrition and Health
male health and nutrition
Men are more prone to stress and related health risks like hypertension, diabetes, sleep disorders, heart attack. Considering the importance of male nutrition, it would be a great idea to incorporate more antioxidants in your diet, like, berries, fresh fruits, melons, green leafy vegetables and lesser fats. Stress and high calorie foods are very harmful for your body. Control the cravings for the junk food and introduce more healthy snacks to your body. Read Full Article....
Antioxidant Clay Pot Cooking
The antioxidants help to eliminate fatigue and exhaustion and also induce better sleep.
Apart from a rich antioxidant diet, we can also have good antioxidant methods of cooking. The first step would be to minimize the use of the microwaves. Though it may seem easy to heat and reheat food in the microwave, we do not realize that we reduce more and more nutrients in the process. Antioxidant diet
Instead of the microwave, use the slow cookers, pressure cookers, steel or enamel cookware, baking pans and clay pots for cooking. continue...
Monday, December 21, 2009
Kumbh Mela In India
Chardham travel can help with hotels and sight seeing
Friday, December 18, 2009
Acai Berry Drink promotes fitness
A daily exercise routine and a regular low diet that includes acai berry products, can be very helpful to eliminate calories and fat from the body. Compared to other energy drinks, the acai berry contains lower calories and natural energy boosters.
Read More Here
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
product creation and increased sales
sweet corn pulao
Monday, December 14, 2009
Key to Success While You Work from Home
Students looking for some pocket money, part time employees looking for an additional income or housewives looking for some extra cash to spend on shopping can take up the jobs like producing content for a website, write articles on their topics of interest or take up the data entry projects.
Full article @Key to Success While You Work from Home
New Year's Resolution
The New year's eve is almost here. The year 2009 almost breezed through and the next year, 2010 is around the doorstep, ready to knock. Despite the tough times of recession, bleak economic trends and the cold winter, people are all set to welcome the New Year 2010.New Year's Resolution
Investment options when retiring
Thursday, December 10, 2009
W9 form a must for textbroker authors
W9 needed for payoff
Monday, December 7, 2009
Summits on Global Warming
We have been having summits on global warming since the year 1861. It is a known fact that emission of greenhouse gases, fossil fuels, combustion related carbon dioxide concentrates- all these lead to decreasing ozone cover, higher temperatures,
melting of glaciers- thus, leading to global warming.
Summits on Global Warming
Travel and Souvenirs
We all love to travel, see new places, do new things and have a great time. A whole lot of us also love to shop whenever we travel. Our shopping to-do list would definitely include souvenirs for our own memory of the holiday and as a gift to our loved ones.
Travel and Souvenirs
A Different Salsa
Getting tired of eating the same kind of food over the days? Do you not think that it is time to make something different for your folks? Especially during the winter, one tends to feel hungry and want to eat something spicy or something different.
cucmber Indian salsa
grand canyon route 66
indian vacation
Free search engine submission
SEO and search engine submission for free
add your blog to 6 search engines in a fraction of a second, in a blink of an eye!
my site wide disclosure policy for my blog
my disclosure policy
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact Rekha(
This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does contain content which might present a conflict of interest. This content will always be identified.
To get your own policy, go to
Stick that on your power cord!
good day!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
do not hog, just eat!
smaller plates,limited quantity
Build a better eating environment. Use smaller plates and taller, narrower glasses to keep portion sizes under control. Fill at least half your plate with lean protein and vegetables and use the remaining half for the special, delicious, not-so-good-for-you items. Also, try to limit variety when it comes to higher-fat options, as research shows that this can lead to overeating. Choose one type of cookie instead of three. Finally, try not to waste calories on fillers such as rolls, chips, cheese and crackers that you can eat any time of the year.
Copenhagen 2009 summit
response to the challenge of climate change
# 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties begins Monday in Copenhagen
# Yvo de Boer, U.N. chief on climate talks, says nations must act now
# World's biggest emitters are the U.S. and China
# Firm funding for developing countries is seen as key to any deal
Coping with winter
Firstly, some olive oil from head to toe to keep safe from cracked heels and chapped lips, limp hair so on. benefits of olive oil
Then comes keeping the home warm and cozy. Replacing old furnaces or repairing them would save you a fortune on utility bills. choosing the correct air source
some hot coffee early morning can work wonders too. If you think coffee is bad for health, well, it is time you reverse your thoughts! coffee and health
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Great Automobile Insurance for you
Auto Insurance Companies
Blogging pays too. Especially when you write a review or just plain promote. I am glad to be writing about and get paid for it too.
Being all set to drive the roads ahead of you, it is also important to be prepared for the worst that can happen there too. Accidents, hits, collisions, anything could happen on an unfortunate day. Auto insurance is an answer to these problems. What best can there be apart from that covers anything and everything you would want to know about automobile insurance.
In the present day of economic hardships, we would all want an auto insurance coverage that does not make a huge hole in our wallets. Buying that kind of lesser priced yet effective insurance might be a tough task you would think. Well, think again because is here to help you out.
Fault or no fault system
they give you information about various insurance companies too and in case you are looking for insurance cover for your college going kids, then do check for more details
The best part is that they cover all the issues related to your vehicle coverage, including an own or a rented one. They also include collision cover, liability and anything you have in your mind. So go ahead and check it out at today.
Here are a few links that would help you further -
student insurance
pricing quotes from companies
cost to insure various vehicles
Thursday, December 3, 2009
what is in a golf bag?
planning Las vegas trip?
Visiting Grand Canyon
We had recently been to the Grand Canyon National Park from Vegas. It is such a beautiful place and makes you one with the nature. Read more on it in my article about the Grand Canyon to plan your trip to the place-
Sunday, November 29, 2009
visit to las vegas
Friday, November 20, 2009
Preparing for the Backpacking Trip with Kids
Backpacking is the best way to spend time with your kids and family without the distractions of civilization. Away from phones, internet, TV, toys and computers, you can spend time talking to your loved ones.
While experience the beauty of nature, you kids get to learn important lessons of life that cannot be acquired in the classroom. They learn to do things in life using the basic amenities. For instance, how to set up a tent in five minutes.
For more, read it on
Golf Bag Clubs and Shafts
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Everything you want to know about APPSC Group I civil service examination
I would be trying to help you with all your queries regarding the Group I exams, preparation, where to buy books, how to make notes and so on. you can post me your questions here, and I would answer them immediately. You can expect a reply to your queries at the earliest.
Please note that do not spam my blog with unnecessary links and unrelated topics. This Blog is Only for The Serious Candidates Who Wish to Pass this Civil Service Exam and are focused on their goal.
Good Luck!
How to Apply for APPSC Group 1 Civil services?
Being a former (earlier)APPSC Group I candidate, I cleared it in the first attempt as a non-local candidate! I worked as a Group I officer for a few months and then resigned to join as an HR consultant.
However, I still cherish the time I spent as a Group I officer. It makes you responsible, disciplined and gain self-control. Many candidates, when they apply for this exam, think that they can earn a lot and need not work because Govt. employees have no work at all.
Let me tell you that it is a very wrong notion to think such things. As a Group I officer, you need to prepare yourself to wake up early, keep a daily update of what is happening in Andhra Pradesh, in India and outside. You need to know all about the politics, parties in the area that you would be working.
Anyway, all that comes later. Firstly, your work begins from the day you fill out the APPSC Group I application. you should be ready with the study material withing 2-3 days of applying for the exam.
Then comes question of joining a study circle. Next you need to figure out what books to refer, where to buy, what to study, how to study, how much time of the day should you prepare, if you are working and studying, how much time would be sufficient, how to prepare the notes and so on.
For this purpose, I am writing a series of articles in; the link to which I will update here in my blog when it is published there.
Moreover, I would like to be helpful by answering your queries as best as possible. I devoted 2 years to prepare for this exam. It used to get postponed during our time, hence, we needed lot of patience and dedication to stay on our GOALS- to pass the exam in the first attempt with the highest score possible.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Tea's health benefits
Imagine that you are looking for foods that could help prevent cancer,heart disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, and stroke, that could lower blood pressure, reduce weight, decrease inflammation, protect against wrinkles and sun damage, and that could increase creativity and peak performance. Now imagine that you found all of those properties in one inexpensive, non caloric, readily available, good tasting natural plant derived substance. This would make you ecstatic, excited, over the moon and anxious to spread to the waiting world of your fantastic new discovery: Tea.
You would soon realize that this new discovery was more that 4,700 years old- but it was not until the last century that scientists began to truly understand just how many rich and varied benefits there are in each and every cup of tea. What makes the Tea so healthy? It begins with free radicals. A free radical is an oxygen molecule with an odd number of electrons in the outer ring of one of its atoms. Free radicals are produced naturally as oxygen interacts with organic matter (when a cut apple is left out on the counter, it turns brown due to oxidation). Our bodies are constantly oxidizing.
the entire article is submitted to
The THC level in Marijuana has increased over the last quarter century. Due to advances in growing high-potency Marijuana, some Marijuana analyzed in 1997 had TMC levels as high as 17%. THC is also produced synthetically and available by prescription (Marinol). The prescription medication is used to control the nausea caused by chemotherapy in cancer patients and to stimulate appetite in AIDS patients.
The entire article is submitted to
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
lord jagannath of Puri
pls copy paste the link below to your browser for the full article-
Monday, August 31, 2009
The Temple of Heaven is a supreme example of Ming Dynasty architecture and one of Beijing’s truly prized landmarks. This temple, a diagram of Chinese
The Temple of Heaven is a supreme example of Ming Dynasty architecture and one of Beijing’s truly prized landmarks. This temple, a diagram of Chinese cosmology, is both a transmitter to the heaven and an icon of Beijing. The Temple of Heaven, where emperors once performed important rites, began in the early 15th century under Yongle, whom many call the “architect of Beijing.”
Set in a vast 660-acre park, a mile south of Qianmen Gate, this sacred plot of land was where the emperor conducted most significant ceremonies and rites of the year. The rituals performed established the divine link between Heaven and the Son of Heaven, channeling eternal law to the Earth.
The Temple of Heaven (Tiantan) was a regal domain and out of bounds to the Laobaixing (Common people). In 1918 the temple’s former functionaries stepped aside to admit the public and extensive renovation work has since been carried out. Its sacred geometry retains the cardinal east-west, north-south axis and its celestial metaphors.
The Temple’s hallmark structure is a magnificent blue-roofed wooden tower, built in 1420. It burned to the ground in 1889 and was immediately rebuilt using Ming architectural methods (and timber imported from Oregon). The building’s design is based on the calendar: 4 center pillars represent the seasons, the next 12 pillars represent months, and 12 outer pillars signify the parts of a day.
Together these 28 poles, which correspond to the 28 constellations of heaven, support the structure without nails. A carved dragon swirling down from the ceiling represents the emperor.
Shaped like a semicircle on the northern rim to represent heaven and square on the south for the earth, the grounds were once believed to be the meeting point of the two. The area is double the size of the Forbidden City and is still laid out to divine rule: buildings and paths are positioned to represent the right directions for heaven and earth. This means, for example, that the northern part is higher than the south.
The temple of heaven was a site for imperial sacrifices, meant to please the gods so they would generate bumper harvests. A long, twisting platform, the Long Corridor once enclosed the animal-killing pavilion; the Long Corridor was traditionally hung with lanterns on the eve of sacrifices. Today it plays host to scores of Beijingers singing opera, playing cards and chess, and fan dancing. On the western edge of the grounds, the Hall of Abstinence is where the emperor would retreat three days before the ritual sacrifice.
The Imperial Vault of Heaven lies south, a round hall tiled in blue and standing on a white platform. The Echo Wall ingeniously conveys sound around its circumference, but any personal interface with this technology is usually blotted out by the commotion of tour groups.
The Circular Altar (Yuanqiu) to the south resonates with astronomical significance, a cosmic hub that was also the site of the annual winter solstice ceremony. The solemnities involved sacrificial offerings of animals to the accompaniment of music. The altar was also requisitioned during times of natural disasters to entreat heaven.
Built in 1530 of blue stone (later replaced with the present white stone), the mound consists of three tiers that represent Earth, the mortal world, and heaven. Nine steps separate each tier, and the upper tier is adorned with nine stone rings. The number nine has special significance in Chinese cosmology, for there are nine layers to heaven.
The central feature of the Fasting Palace near the west gate is its large port-red “beamless hall.” The neighboring Living Hall, surrounded by wilting bamboo, is where the emperor observed abstinence before the rituals.
The links between Hinduism and Sikhism
Corresponding to this concept, Sikhism also ordains that Khalsa Sikhs should defend the Hindus of all castes and classes from the threat of forced conversion to Islam by the Mughals.
Sikhism had to be developed as an independent religion from the land of Punjab, which belonged to the same soil of India, where Hinduism was born much earlier to it. The Hindu leaders’ dereliction of duty to teach the spiritual realities to the common people and their getting lost in the mire of superstition and materialism gave rise to the growth of Sikhism. That is the reason why there is a lot of common ground in both the religions.
Sikhism is centered on the cardinal role of Guru. Each Sikh Guru had contributed to the development of Sikhism and the final script took the shape of the holy sacred text of “Granth Sahib”. This sacred text conveys the religious ideas of Sikhism in the form of hymns and poems. Granth Sahib is regarded with the same veneration as is due to a Guru or a deity.
Hindus also follow the sacred text Bhagavad-Gita, which synthesizes the knowledge contained in Vedas and various Upanishads. Lord Krishna, who taught Bhagavad-Gita, is regarded as the greatest Guru, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Guru is worshipped first by every Hindu, before he starts worshipping any other deity.
Like the Sikh Guru, Lord Krishna also waged war to establish Dharma in the country. The concept of worshipping Guru more than the God and that of treating the sacred text as the word of God are common to both the religions.
The tenth Sikh Guru, Govind Singh, said that there should be no more Gurus and the Granth should be regarded as the living voice of all the prophets, called “Guru Vani”. The hymns convey a wide range of mystical emotion and intimate expressions of personal realization of God. They are the rapturous hymns of divine love. Hindus also sing hymns and Sanskrit verses from the Gita, Vedas and devotional songs written and sung by great devotees like Tyagaraja in classical vocal music.
The “Adi Granth”, which was modified by successive Gurus till it has been declared as “Granth Sahib”, contains the religious teachings of Hinduism and Islam. This aspect also conforms to the Hindu religious philosophy of respecting the divine voice in all religions and the freedom of human spirit.
Dr. Radhakrishnan, one of the greatest philosophers of India, says that the gurus are the light bearers to mankind. They are the messengers of the timeless. They do not claim to teach a new doctrine but only to renew the eternal wisdom. Nanak, the Sikh saint, elaborated the views of the “Vaishnava Saints” (Hindu saints who are the worshippers of Lord Vishnu) in consonance with this Hindu religious concept.
Sikhism preaches Dharma (righteous behavior) Karma (the Law of Cause and Effect) Reincarnation (Theory of Rebirth) and Meditation (one of the Yoga practices). These are the same concepts propagated by Hinduism.
Like Hindus, the Sikhs also cremate the dead and also immerse their ashes in holy rivers like the Ganges.
Both the religions preach the importance of carrying out duty. Lord Krishna, through the Gita, taught that one’s duty is more important than divine worship. He taught that no consideration should make him shirk from his duty. Under his direction, his disciple and the invincible warrior, Arjuna fought the war of “Kurukshetra” to reestablish Dharma.
The Sikh Gurus also adhered to their duty. They created an army of Khalsa Sikhs to fight the evil of Muslim conversion of Hindus and revive the ideals of Hinduism, which had been neglected by Hindu teachers, by evolving a modern religion, namely, Sikhism.
Though the earlier Sikhs recommended that a real Sikh should also be Hindu, this concept had been discontinued by the tenth Sikh Guru. He instructed that once a Hindu espouses Sikhism and becomes a Khalsa, he cannot follow any other religion.
Sikhism preaches that the human beings are born out of the good deeds and enter the abode of gods, the heaven. Hinduism also preaches the same concept. It preaches that the human beings can attain higher “lokas” (regions of gods above the Earth) by virtue of their good deeds and selfless service to God.
Sikhism speaks about Karma. The same philosophy is taught by Hinduism. According to both the religions, the Law of Karma says that one has to experience the good or evil done in the past lives in the present life, and those of the present deeds in next life. Man cannot come out of the vicious circle of Karma unless he discovers the futility of actions not related to the realization of Self and comes out of “Maya”(illusory nature of creation). Both the religions concur with this theory.
The concept of reincarnation followed suit in both the religions automatically, once this theory of Karma had been accepted by both the religions.
Both the religions not only tolerate other religions of the world, but also do not hesitate to adopt the good in them. Hindus visit the temples of Sikhs such as the Golden Temple of Amritsar in Punjab and offer prayers and service. The openness of Hinduism towards other religions is also evident in Sikhism. The pluralistic religious tradition is a common link.
Guru Nanak became ecstatic when he had visited the temple of Lord Jagannath in Orissa in India. He sang in praise of the delectable sight of the priests waving lights before the florally decorated image of God.
Guru Nanak was equally impressed by the monotheism of Islam and denounced image worship. In Hindu philosophy also, image worship is recommended for the beginners only, while the advanced meditate on the formless God. The transition is achieved gradually.
Mahatma Gandhi said, “A friendly study of the world’s religions is a sacred duty. We must have the richness of various traditions”. The Sikh saints had liberally adopted what was good in Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and other religions.
Dr. Radhakrishnan wrote, “When the religions begin to fertilize one another, they will supply the soul for which this world is seeking”.
The cross fertilization of Sikhism and Hinduism had fulfilled this objective to India when it was needed most.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Hindu Monsoon festival of Teej
Monday, April 6, 2009
Arthashastra--Indian History !!
The link below guides us to the interesting world of the "Arthashastra" -
Monday, March 30, 2009
Ever since Ferdinand Porsche built his 356 roadster, the name Porsche has become synonymous with high performance sports cars. Whether the Porsche Cayenne, Boxster, or 911 is the topic of conversation, it is their power, handling, and craftsmanship that inspires superlatives.
The Porsche 911 of today is an easy car to drive and maintain. With a 3.6 or 3.8 liter 6-cylinder engine, it elevates its super car status.
Those in the know consider the Porsche Cayenne a true SUV muscle car, and with good reason. Consider the Cayenne Turbo-S, with its 0-60 in 4.9 seconds, a quick sprint to the mall can be a thrilling adventure.
Red Dragon
Y library???????

Well..I went to the library today in the afternoon and borrowed a few books and cds...just then a thought struck me...just like the 'apple' hit newton...and i wondered.."how did libraries come into existence"...was it that paper came first or the library...who , what , when , why....
Of course one would agree that they r the greatest source for knowledge of all kinds..More recently, libraries are understood as extending beyond the physical walls of a building, by including material accessible by electronic means, and by providing the assistance of librarians in navigating and analyzing tremendous amounts of knowledge with a variety of digital tools. I did some 'g'search and found this interesting article in wikipedia... -
A library is a collection of information, sources, resources, books, and services, and the structure in which it is housed: it is organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, or a private individual.
In the more traditional sense, a library is a collection of books.
The term can mean the collection, the building that houses such a collection, or both.
Public and institutional collections and services may be intended for use by people who choose not to — or cannot afford to — purchase an extensive collection themselves, who need material no individual can reasonably be expected to have, or who require professional assistance with their research.
However, with the collection of media other than books for storing information, many libraries are now also repositories and access points for maps, prints, or other documents and various storage media such as microform (microfilm/microfiche), audio tapes, CDs, cassettes, videotapes, and DVDs. Libraries may also provide public facilities to access CD-ROMs, subscription databases, and the Internet.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

- 6 tbsp espresso ground coffee/instant nescafe/any instant coffee
- 4 tbsp sugar / 4 sachets of 'equal' sugar
- 1glass chilled milk
- 2 tbsp whipped cream
- 2 scoops of ice cream (vanilla+chocolate)
- 1tbsp Cocoa powder
- 1 small nestle milk chocolate (plain)
- ice cubes (6-8)
In a juicer, combine the instant coffee and sugar. Add chilled milk and mix. Add the cream, half tbsp cocoa powder and mix again in the juicer . Finally add the ice cubes and mix for 2 secs . Take a big glass mug and sprinkle the remaining cocoa powder , add one scoop of the ice cream, grate half the nestle chocolate bar .Now pour the chilled coffee into the mug and add the cream ,add another scoop of ice cream , grate some more chocolate on it and sprinkle the remaining cocoa & freeze through for an hour. Serve into tall chilled glasses or have it straight out of the mug when u wish to indulge!!! Tastes great with a sandwich/subway/pasta salad along side!!!
Biking for Great health!!

Cycling also has much to contribute to the wider public health. Getting on your bike can help reduce air and noise pollution and the increasingly alarming problem of urban congestion. However, the fitness and environmental advantages are frequently overshadowed by fears of injury on our often dangerous roads. Cyclists′ concerns are also poorly addressed in current transport policy.
Few interesting facts-
A bicyclist burns about 25 Calories per mile. One large egg supplies 80 Calories. A cyclist can travel about three miles on the energy of one egg.
A person walking would require three eggs to go the same distance.
A loaded bus requires the equivalent of two dozen eggs for each person it carries three miles.
A train requires the equivalent of three dozen eggs for each person it carries three miles.
A car that gets 12.5 miles per gallon requires the equivalent of seven dozen eggs to carry one person three miles.
Even if you double the miles per gallon and double the occupancy a car will still use the equivalent of twenty-one eggs to make the trip -- more than twenty times a bicycle.
cycling and walking halve the amount of obesity & heart diesase.Cancer risks are halved by regular exercise. There are about 75 deaths each year from cancer . For every 8 people cycling/walking, 1 case of cancer will be prevented. Thus, if half the population cycled or walked every day, 19 deaths/year would be prevented.
Cycling is a great activity its not best, however, I think jogging/treadmill and swimming are better but that's a personal preference.It will generally improve your fitness, help to burn fat and improve your legs muscle tone. However I would not recommend cycling at a leisurely pace you'll get some fresh air out of it but not alot else.
If you really want good results mix high intensity with low intensity that will really get the heart going.
Easy chole recipie!!!

2 cups of boiled kabuli chana (soaked overnight & boiled in the pressure cooker/microwave for 30mins in the morning)
2 tbsp any cooking oil
1and1/2tsp jeera powder
1and1/2tsp dhania powder
2tsp chole masala

1tsp chilli powder
1 tbsp sugar
1onion chopped long and thin
1 tomato chopped into small pieces
3 garlic cloves
small piece of ginger
salt to taste
kasuri methi 1/2 tsp
chopped raw coriander for dressing (1tbsp)
Method -
Heat the pan on medium flame and add oil and a pinch of asofoetida powder ; add onions,garlic,ginger and fry till golden brown . Add the masalas incl salt , sugar and chilli powder . Fry for 1 min and add tomatoes . Fry for 2 mins and add the boiled chana cover with a lid for 1 min and add 2 glasses of water for the gravy. let it simmer for 1 min and add kasuri methi and coriander and simmer with covered lid for 2 mins and take it out on the serving dish . Yummy chole is ready to be eaten with steamed rice/pulao/rotis/naan !!!
Trust me it just take 8-10 mins of ur time in the kitchen!!!